1.1 The Hong Kong University Social Work Alumni Association (香港大學社會工作畢業同學會) (hereinafter called HKUSWAA) is established in accordance with the Societies Ordinance, Chapter 151, Laws of Hong Kong and shall be governed by the present Constitution. The HKUSWAA pursues no profit-making aims and is registered under the Societies Ordinance.

1.2 The Head Office of the HKUSWAA shall be situated in Hong Kong. Its registered address is Department of Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, Room 1304 K.K.Leung Building, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.


The Objects of the HKUSWAA are: —
2.1 to  promote cohesiveness of graduates of the social work programs of the Department of Social Work & Social Administration (SWSA, or its predecessor) of The University of Hong Kong (HKU);
2.2 to promote the professional development of social work;
2.3 to promote social work education of The University of Hong Kong.


Members of the HKUSWAA is open to individuals who commit themselves to the objects of the HKUSWAA.
3.1 Members are classified as follows: –
a) full member – any person who is a graduate of any social work training courses provided by The University of Hong Kong, Department of Social Work and Social Administration or its predecessor;
b) honorary member;
c) student member — students undertaking any social work degree programs in The University of Hong Kong, Department of Social Work and Social Administration

3.2 Patron/advisor – being any person who may or may not be graduates of the SWSA of HKU, invited by the General Assembly to be a patron of the HKUSWAA.

3.3 Full members shall : –
a) have the right to attend the General Assemblies of the HKUSWAA and participate either directly or through the intermediary of their representatives in the deliberations, activities and work of the same;
b) have the right to vote at General Assemblies of the HKUSWAA in compliance with this Constitution either directly or through the intermediary of their representatives;
c) be eligible for election to hold office or offices of the Executive Committee of the HKUSWAA in accordance with this Constitution;
d) conform to the provisions of the Constitution of the HKUSWAA and to the decisions made by the HKUSWAA from time to time.
e) pay annual dues prescribed by the HKUSWAA.
f) Full Members shall be entitled to Life Membership and have all future dues waived upon a one time payment the amount of which may be prescribed by the Association in an Extraordinary General Meeting.

3.4 student member shall
a) have the rights to attend the General Assemblies of the HKUSWAA and participate in the Association’s activities.;
b) have NO right to vote or to stand for election in the Association.
c) conform to the provisions of the Constitution of the HKUSWAA and to the decisions made by the HKUSWAA from time to time.
d) pay annual dues prescribed by the HKUSWAA.

3.5 Any person shall cease to be a member of the HKUSWAA in any of the following events:
a) by a member’s resignation;
b) by failure to pay the annual dues;
c) in pursuance of a decision made by the General Assembly by two-thirds majority vote of the members or delegates present and entitled to vote, having the effect of excluding any member whose behaviour, in the judgment of the General Assembly, brings discredit upon the HKUSWAA, provided however that no exclusion may be founded upon reasons of a philosophical, religious or political nature.


4.1 The capital of the HKUSWAA shall consists of :
a) donations, dues, subsidies, and bequests paid or given to the HKUSWAA;
b) properties and assets of any nature whatsoever whether movable or immovable acquired by the HKUSWAA from time to time;
c) any other resources acquired with the assent of the HKUSWAA.

a) The capital of the HKUSWAA shall be exclusively applied for the purpose of the achievement of its objects as stated in Article 2 hereto;
b) The HKUSWAA’s debts are payable only out of its assets, all personal liability of its members being excluded and limited insofar this is possible under general law;
c) The members have no rights to the HKUSWAA’s capital.

4.3 The annual financial report of the HKUSWAA shall be audited by the Honorary Auditor as appointed by the General Assembly.


5.1 The General Assembly shall consist of the members of the HKUSWAA;

5.2 The President of the Executive Committee of the HKUSWAA shall act as Chairman of the General Assembly;

5.3 The General Assembly shall make its decisions by a majority of the members or delegates present and entitled to vote.

5.4 However, in case of elections, if no candidate receives a majority, a second vote must be taken; the candidate who receives the largest number of votes shall be elected. In case of a tie, the President shall have a casting vote.

5.5 The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the HKUSWAA, and shall have the following powers and duties:
a) to review the role and perspective of the HKUSWAA;
b) to consider the furtherance of the objects of the HKUSWAA;
c) to ratify amendments to the Constitution of the HKUSWAA;
d) to elect the members of the Executive Committee of the HKUSWAA.

5.6 The General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee of HKUSWAA.
a) as an ordinary meeting, at least once every two years, at the place and on the date fixed by the Executive Committee; or
b) as an extraordinary meeting, whenever the Executive Committee so decides, or at the request of at least one-tenth of the members of the HKUSWAA.

5.7 30 members (of any designation and HKUSWAA entitled to vote) whether personally present or by proxy shall form a quorum unless otherwise specified herein. Should the said quorum not be filled, a second General Assembly shall be convened; it shall be entitled to make valid decisions irrespective of the number of members present.

5.8 Notice of the meeting shall be sent to all members at least 21 days before the date of any meeting of the General Assembly bur errors, omissions or delays in sending such notice shall in no way annul or render void or invalidate any resolution passed at such meetings.

5.9 The Executive Committee of the HKUSWAA shall fix and communicate the tentative agenda in the notice convening the meeting of the General Assembly.

5.10 The process of election of Executive Committee shall proceed in such a way that nomination to the various posts be opened 21 days prior to the General Assembly and closed 7 days prior to the General Assembly. Nominations should be forwarded to the incumbent Executive Committee.

5.11 The General Assembly shall: –
a) deliberate on the reports relating to the work of the Executive Committee of the HKUSWAA and on the audited financial reports approved by the Executive Committee;
b) hold the elections and make the appointments provided for this Constitution;
c) amend the Constitution in accordance with Article 7;
d) revoke the membership of any member or members of the Executive Committee of the HKUSWAA for just cause and in accordance with Article 3.4(c ) above.

5.12 Any member may be represented by another member duly empowered by written proxy to attend and vote in any meeting of the General Assembly.


6.1 The Executive Committee shall be constituted by: –
a) The President;
b) The Vice-President;
c) The Honorary Secretary;
d) The Honorary Treasurer;
e) The Head of Department of the Department of Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, or his/her designated representative and
f) not less than 6 but not more than 8 committee members.

6.2 This Executive Committee will plan and execute the activities of the HKUSWAA.

6.3 The General Assembly shall in the first general meeting in any calendar year or such other meeting as it shall think fit elect for a term of two years, or for a period up to the next General Assembly whichever is the earlier, the members of the Executive Committee enumerated in Article 6.1.

6.4 The Executive Committee shall appoint any person or persons to fill any casual vacancy that may occur during the term of office of the Executive Committee.

6.5 The responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall be as follows: –
a) The Presidents, or in his absence, the Vice-President shall take the chair at the General Assembly and all Executive Committee meetings for the ensuing years;
b) Honorary Secretary : to conduct the correspondence of the HKUSWAA , keep its records and deal in the first instance with its business;
c) Honorary Treasurer: to be responsible for the financial state of the HKUSWAA;
d) Other committee members: to be responsible for the activities relating to the HKUSWAA.

6.6. The Executive Committee shall:
a) direct the activities of the HKUSWAA;
b) invite applications for membership;
c) contact outstanding persons who might be interested in supporting the endeavors of the HKUSWAA;
d) receive donations, subsidies and bequests and collect the dues of members;
e) decide, fix or revise membership fees and dues from time to time.

6.7 The Executive Committee shall not incur any debts or liabilities on behalf of the HKUSWAA if the assets of the HKUSWAA would not be sufficient for the payment of such debts or liabilities.

6.8 One-third of the members of the Executive Committee shall form the quorum of any Executive Committee meeting. The Executive Committee meeting shall make its decisions by a simple majority of the members present. In case of a tie, the President, or the Vice President in his absence, shall have a casting vote.


7.1 A proposal for the amendment of the Constitution must be submitted by the Executive Committee or by at least one-tenth of the members of the HKUSWAA one month at least prior to the next General Assembly (and must also be submitted for the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies of Hong Kong.

7.2 30 members (of any designation and HKUSWAA entitled to vote) whether personally present or by proxy shall form a quorum unless otherwise specified herein. Should the said quorum not be filled, a second General Assembly shall be convened; it shall be entitled to make valid decisions irrespective of the number of members present.

7.3 A two-thirds majority vote of the members present and entitled to vote in the General Assembly is required for the amendment of the Constitution.


8.1 A decision to dissolve the HKUSWAA shall be made by an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly especially convened for the purpose and composed of at least two-thirds of the members entitled to vote.

8.2 Should the said quorum not be filled, a second General Assembly shall be convened; it shall be entitled to make valid decisions irrespective of the number of members present.

8.3 Subject to Article 8.2, a decision to dissolve the HKUSWAA shall be taken by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present and entitled to vote.

8.4 In the event the HKUSWAA being dissolved under the above provision or as a result of a legal or judicial process the General Assembly shall appoint one or more liquidators to be in charge of the liquidation of the assets of the HKUSWAA.

8.5 The liquidation shall be final only after approval of the liquidation accounts by the members of the HKUSWAA who shall be consulted in writing.

8.6 Upon dissolution of the HKUSWAA its assets (if any) shall be firstly applied towards payment of the expenses of the dissolution and secondly towards payment of all its debts and liabilities and thirdly towards such amount of reserves against contingent liabilities as the liquidators shall think fit and thereafter any surplus assets shall not be distributed to the members but shall be donated to the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, or its equivalent, in the absolute discretion of the liquidators (but who shall have regard to the wishes of the members of the last Executive Committee immediately prior to dissolution). Alternatively the assets shall be applied towards an equivalent or similar charitable objects as stated in Article 2 hereto or such other charitable objects as the liquidators shall think fit and in so doing the liquidator may transfer by way of gift or donation and whether conditional or otherwise the said surplus assets to any charitable organization in Hong Kong or abroad. If the assets of the HKUSWAA are insufficient for the payment of all its debts and liabilities as aforesaid, such debts and liabilities should be borne by the members of the HKUSWAA in equal shares, provided that they have been properly incurred by the Executive Committee in accordance with this Constitution and not exceeding ONE HKDollar to be borne by each member, but any debts and liabilities not so properly incurred shall be borne by the relevant members of the Executive Committee members who have incurred them.

The present Constitution was adopted by the First Annual General Meeting held on 20th November 1999.